Yoksna Paramanathan
How can university students have the self-assurance to follow through on their passions and goals?
INTRUeNCE is a self - assuring digital platform that aims to aid university students with developing confidence towards their practice through their personal goals and skills. Each year university students lose sight in pursuing opportunities due to the lack of validation in themselves and their work. INTRUeNCE would be integrated into university campus services to increase the student’s acknowledgement through communication and community engagement. The INTRUeNCE website and app advises students when creating their goals in order to be confident in their practice.
At some point in our lives, we realized our ego influences the gap between who we are (our conscious selves) and whom we want to be (our unconscious selves). To validate what we say, what we think, and what we do, we have to detach ourselves from our self-important thoughts. Thus when students abandon their attachment to their passions and goals they are able to focus on their practice.
INTRUeNCE is a platform that emphasizes social engagement through sharing and reflecting on a student's progress. It allows students to create specific, quantifiable and objective goals by breaking down their thought process into actionable steps. The platform has curated, generated personalized content on an explore page; where students can read each other's reflections, apply and discover new frameworks to assist with their thought process. This leads to students creating a repeatable practice where they are able to predict their results with confidence.
INTRUeNCE intends to build confidence by being transparent with personal goals in line with their true selves. Consequently being true to themselves means building stronger communities through trust and communication. By resolving internal and external conflict by reflecting and evaluating their experiences students will be able to have higher empathy, meet and exceed expectations, avoid burnout, manage stress, have more motivation, tackle the feedback and criticism in critiques.
Paramanathan, Yoksna, is an Industrial Designer based in Toronto, Canada. As a creative, her design practice lies behind the context and the nature of a challenge as it unfolds. Her approach is strongly influenced by giving enough attention to the details of design, emphasizing research, communicating her ideas, and following through on solving challenges. Her work generally focuses on functionality and user experience. Her concepts also capture playfulness in shape and form or share a narrative. When she is not working on a concept or a challenge, she is continually aspiring to learn and apply new skills to her design practice.