Wenyue (Beryl) Zheng

Opposite of Loneliness


How might we help people with social difficulties to limit their social and emotional loneliness?

This is a map-based social app. This project started from the daily issue of people who have difficulties with socializing. Seeking the potential possibilities to break the barriers between strangers and limit their social and emotional loneliness.





In this age of technological advancement, social media is flooding people's lives. However people often feel lonely, especially during the global pandemic, when people's daily lives have changed dramatically and they need to going out much less, resulting in isolation from family and friends. This brought to our attention that social media is a tool that can connect anyone, but it cannot cure loneliness. 


In this Redesign Eventbrite project, the main focus is to analyse the psychological activities of people who participate in a new event. The project aims to limit their insecurity and to increase the fun of the users by focusing on different stages (Explore, Prepare, Join the Event and After the Event). It maximises the value of the event and enhances their engagement. The app has four main functions: first, "Personal Mentor", a simple test to better understand the user's personality and needs; second, "Chat room_ice breaker", which creates a chat room when the user buys a ticket, and a short poll question can be used to familiarize the user with the event before attending; third, the "Exploring" page uses planets to represent different events and to stimulate curiosity, and finally, "Avatar", a weak display of portrait photos, which deletes the function of "Upload Profile Photo", and reduces appearance anxiety.


This application helps people with communication difficulties to overcome their nervousness and anxiety. It provides them with the possibility to strengthen their existing friendships and make new ones. Encourages people to explore new things in local communities. and introduce them to broader social communities.






Wenyue was born in Xinjiang, China, and is now a Toronto-based Ui/UX and industrial designer & 3D animation artist with an interdisciplinary design focus from product fabrication to digital production. She has strong skill in digital production with HTML/CSS, Adobe XD, and focuses on human behaviour and feelings. She is passionate about emerging technologies, and human well-being that can create positive impacts on everyday life. Wenyue interned at Albedo Informatics as a UX designer for AR gaming and participated in branding and website design for a local pets supply store (Maokids).


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