Victoria Gonzalez

Upcycled Surgical Masks 



With a lack of personal protective equipment creating feelings of uncertainty globally, how might product designers utilize their knowledge of materials and manufacturing to create these essential goods?

The project sits in understanding material fibre and reusing available fabric materials from a household, by turning and transforming those materials into something useful; such as a surgical mask.  




What happens to the life span of our clothes? What are people drawn to when wearing something? If the clothes were to be rejected, how do you address their lifespan? Can we give a new meaning to a recyclable material? 


Create a product and service that teaches people about meaningful consumption by upcycling clothing. 


The impact reflects a sustainable approach and well-being.








Victoria Gonzalez is an emerging product designer from Chile and raised in Canada with true passions of the arts, health and sustainable practices. Full of creative ideas and strong interest in problem solving ideas.





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