Explore your past, and discover your future. Turn intentions into actions. Linkage.IS is a solution that provides insights and tools to address digital overstimulation.

Thomas Sawaya


Project Description is a digital platform designed to help people manage their online activity to be more healthy and productive. It is built on a large action model to gives insights into how people use their various apps and devices and repackages user data into personalized stories. draws inspiration from experiences like Spotify Wrapped, particularly in how it engages users by summarizing their digital activity in a compelling and visually appealing way. provides users with a recap of their digital habits, offering unique personalized metrics and automations to improve digital workflow.

Using feels like having a smart assistant that helps you manage your digital life. It provides you with easy-to-understand actions and suggestions on how to improve your digital habits. Whether you're looking to reduce screen time, or just understand your online habits better, Linkage.IS provides the tools and insights you want.




Insight addresses the struggle with digital overstimulation and lack tools to manage engagement and algorithms effectively. The project addresses this by providing personalized insights and practical tools to help users take control of their digital habits, promoting a healthier, more balanced digital lifestyle.


Drawing inspiration from playful design examples to make things simple, intuitive. was intentionally design to evoke a sense of nostalgia and introducing new and novel ways to interact with ones data, using elements of imposed limitations, retro tech and paper qualities.


Linkage.IS transforms complex behavioral data and translates it into user-friendly, actionable insights. It prioritizes a unique and engaging experience, making digital footprints understandable and fostering a healthier relationship with technology.



Thomas Sawaya

I value the transformative power of technology to enhance daily interactions. I design tools with playful and engaging interactions allowing users to thrive in a connected environment.


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