“Design is How it Works.”-------Steve Jobs

Oscar Yu 


Project Description

The project, called "Sova", is a revolutionary smart sleep-aiding aromatherapy device designed to provide a natural, healthy and fully customizable sleep-improvement experience that combines aromatherapy, ambient light conditioning, and advanced smart technology to help create the ideal sleep environment based on the user's personal preferences and sleep habits.





The goal of the project is to solve the health problems of modern people caused by stressful lives and poor sleep quality through innovative product design, and to promote a more natural and scientific approach to sleep improvement.


Currently, a lot people face different kinds of stress which cause them hard to fall asleep. The project is to help people relieve the stress and help people fall asleep. 


By integrating natural therapies and cutting-edge technology, Sova is designed to provide each user with a customized sleep environment that improves the quality of sleep and enhances vitality and well-being in daily life.



Oscar Yu

I am committed to improving people's daily lives through design, with a particular focus on how technology and design can be utilized to create healthier and more sustainable lifestyles for users


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