

How can we transform academic preparation into professional success, ensuring creative graduates are not only ready but confident in their capabilities?

Brendon Xiao


Project Description

Edivist is a digital platform designed to bridge the gap between academic learning and professional application within the creative industries. It focuses on providing new graduates with a personalized pathway to foster confidence, ensure effective skill application, and facilitate face-to-face interactions. 

The service combines introspective evaluations with real-world engagements, matching users based on shared goals for collaborative opportunities. Edivist leverages machine learning for tailored content delivery, ensuring relevance and precision in skill development and career guidance. This initiative not only enhances the educational experience but also integrates seamlessly into real-life professional settings, preparing users thoroughly for their future careers.




Recognizing the disconnect between academic achievements and professional preparedness, Edivist addresses the urgent need for practical experience and tailored guidance within the creative sectors.


Edivist is an innovative platform that customizes learning and professional growth paths for creative industry graduates, enhancing their transition from academic environments to professional landscapes through personalized support and real-world application.


Edivist significantly reduces the entry barriers for new creatives by providing personalized training, real-world application, and community support, ensuring that users are not only job-ready but are primed to thrive in their careers.



Brendon Xiao

Brendon Xiao is a passionate industrial designer from OCAD University, specializing in service, system, and UI/UX design to create impactful, user-centered solutions.



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