

Imagine finally connecting the meanings of your dreams from years apart.

Corey Yancan


Project Description

Mythos is a service and system which combines multiple generative artificial intelligence tools and the latest capabilities of virtual reality technology in order to allow users to create, explore, analyze, annotate, and share their dreams as immersive virtual reality experiences.

Doing so allows the user to revisit their dreams while fully conscious and experience them with their rational faculties, enabling them to better understand and gain insights from their unconscious mind.

Following the user’s creation of their dream, a custom GPT companion, continually trained by each new dream the user inputs, annotates the virtual reality dream and gently nudges the user to recognize recurring elements such as characters, symbolism, themes, and conversations.

As the user inputs more of their dreams into Mythos, the tapestry of their personal myth grows, and more insight can be gained from the connections made between dreams.





Our unconscious mind holds a wealth of information about ourselves; however, it is largely inaccessible to introspective awareness. But when a person can notice, analyze, and understand the contents of their unconscious mind, they can start to connect dots and understand parts of their lives that were previously ambiguous.


Mythos aims to help users attain a greater awareness and understanding of what their unconscious mind is presenting them with in their dreams. The goal of Mythos is to allow users to create immersive and explorable virtual reality environments from their dreams, which they can then consciously explore and analyze.


With the cultivation of self-knowledge that comes from using Mythos, one can gain a clearer and more ordered understanding of their underlying unconscious processes, and develop a valuable skill to help them resist vices, pursue virtuous behaviours, and grow toward their full potential.



Corey Yancan

I am fascinated with emerging technologies and their unrealized potential, and deeply interested in creating unprecedented designs from these latent possibilities.


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