Priscilla Lee

The People's Library



How might we strengthen community support structures by enabling the chance for meaningful social connection in public spaces?

Isolation takes a toll on a person’s quality of life, its effects perhaps even more pronounced in older adults. But when people living within the same locality begin building relationships with each other, everyone benefits. The result of this project includes spaces for people to meet, objects that encourage person-to-person interactions, and services that make the whole system work while further connecting people to their communities. More robust communities help everyone to feel less lonely, provide support where it's needed, and make life more enjoyable overall.




We need a new kind of healthcare. Socially isolated individuals may have difficulty taking the initiative to seek help, and those at risk might not feel a need to take action to prevent it—how might we provide care to reach those who don’t seek it out? And as adults age, it can be hard to handle the loss of independence, so how might we engage the elderly while respecting their autonomy and individuality? Finally, better social infrastructure presents an opportunity, as it has been proven to be a vital aspect of connected and resilient communities.


The idea is to use an already accessible, familiar and commonly visited place (the suburban mall), as the context to introduce objects and interactions that are different and unfamiliar. A space that is comfortable and enjoyable to use invites people to stay for a bit, while books give them something to do, attract the curious, and can act as a vehicle for exchanges between people. The prompts behind the books are just nudges or suggestions; a low-risk, no-obligation, and fun way to meet new people and spark up a conversation.


Community takes time to develop depth and complexity. But all relationships start somewhere—when walls start to come down, you start getting to know someone and you are no longer strangers. After having a positive experience meeting someone new, a person might be more inclined to engage in unfamiliar situations, and sign up for a class, start volunteering or simply return to this space and welcome more conversations with other people. And during times of need, neighbours who know one another and have an established relationship would be able to lean on each other for help.








Priscilla is interested in the many ways design can change people’s lives for the better; and currently, she is exploring how she can do this as a service designer. She seeks to design thoughtfully for people and the planet.





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