Parmis Rabet

Becoming Time


How might we enrich our lives and deepen our experiences through living in the ‘now’ with the help of technology?

This is an exploratory project about our human relationship with time, what a world without time might look like and how we may achieve that through becoming time. 





Our concept of time is one that is emergent over the course of human history, throughout which it has become increasingly complex. Contrary to other animals, time as a construct is unique to humans. We see ourselves in relation to time– we place ourselves in time. We have created tools to track time, units to define it and systems to measure it. Our societies are structured in time. Our thoughts are shaped, and our memories are ordered through time which, reinforced by modern language, is likewise time-based. Before we were conditioned to live lives that fit in the structures of time, we were time.  


Perhaps by seeing a world that is time-less in our experience of it, we can once again become time. 

Through advancements in technology, we can imagine a future in which time is no longer needed, and value delivery is no longer bound by time or schedules. Instead, personalized value is streamed in a ‘now’ that is optimized for each individual.  


The only time that would be relevant to us would be our own. Time would no longer be a limit in what we do or what we can achieve, and would allow us to experience each moment more intensely and live deeply, through a life in our respective ‘now’.






Parmis is a Toronto-based product designer. Her work is primarily focused on design strategy, innovation and foresight. She is passionate about mapping human behaviours and trends in order to find the hidden opportunities of different industries and explore what their future may look like. She seeks to use the intersection of design and innovative technologies to enhance everyday experiences.




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