Orville Seo

Reshaping Household Food Waste Management



How can we ease household food waste management?

The growing food waste in Canada has been a problem over the years and Canada will eventually run out of space for landfills. This project is designed to ease food waste management to encourage more households to contribute to managing food waste effectively through the use of an Organic Dehydrator.
The project aims to tackle the existing problems from the current food waste bin. Organic Dehydrator will be a simple way to treat food waste before it is emptied. The liquid from the food waste is absorbed, eliminating the cause of mold or bugs. The chance of odour from the food waste is extremely low and charcoal will be included to absorb additional smell that exists in the bin. 




The food waste happens in multiple stages, but the largest food waste contributor is generated from households throwing away a significant amount of food daily. The inedible, uneaten, and spoiled foods are often thrown away into the plastic organic bin. The stored food decays in the bin creating an unpleasant experience after the user opens the lid. The rotten mess results to smell, bugs, flies, and liquid, through the observation research I will explore to find an effective method to tackle this problem. 


The concept focuses on food waste treatment in the household with a simple step to minimize the hassle of dealing with food waste. The project aims to use charcoal and silica gel to dehydrate the food waste tossed in the bin. The ORGANIC DEHYDRATOR does not require power, the user will be required to slip in a packet in the provide space for the duration of the period in use.


The charcoal packet will be placed by the space provided in the lid to absorb the smell and moisture created during the decaying process. The silica gel packet will be placed in the cylindrical case, and the cylinder case will be placed by the center of the bin to absorb the moisture circulating in the space. Over time, the food waste will dry up, causing no smells, bugs, mold, and the portion of food waste will shrink in a significant amount, reducing the visit to the disposal to empty the bin.





Orville Seo is an industrial design graduate of OCAD University, valuing simple and user-centred products. He enjoys applying ideas into rendered models through multiple softwares. He aims to direct his career toward designing new and innovative products to ease the life of individuals, and search to resolve the unresolved problems. 





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