How can diabetes management be streamlined to create an easier and healthier experience where diabetes devices can be more incognito and non-stigmatizing.
The “Prik” is a Diabetes management system to aid on-the-go diabetics in an easier and more incognito experience of checking their blood glucose levels. The phone case is a non-stigmatizing blood kit that encompasses all needed devices for accessible diabetes management. The system acts as a personalized diabetes guide with aids such as: a predictive glucose line, suggested bolus calculation, and the ability to input specific exercise, carbs, and stress-related activities.
Madalyn O'Connor
Madalyn is an industrial design student with a deep passion for health design, UX, and design research. Her design practice isn't linear but she always follows the motto: "unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not." - Dr.S