Jaywhy Kim

Trive: Understand me and watch me thrive



How might we transform the lifestyle of young adults in a life stage transition to become aware, establish, and sustain new routines to set up for success when entering the next phase?

Ever felt like you wanted to live your best life but circumstances make it difficult to achieve? Imagine you could change your lifestyle, become the person you want to be, and meet like-minded individuals on the way. For young adults who are in a life stage transition, Trive offers the most effective way for habits to stick. Connect with a community of go-getters, find your people, and keep each other accountable. Success doesn’t have to be a lonely road: thrive with your tribe.  




It’s easy to break our promises but when you do, it's for a purpose or someone else. We always seem to muster up enough motivation to show up. It can be hard to find that, especially when you’re young and things are changing fast. When young adults need consistency, they find a community of support to keep themselves accountable. In the age of digital transformation and remote work, there is an opportunity to create a social wellness hub on a global scale. What if we can apply social influence to bridge the gap between inspiration and action?


This is a mobile-first, peer to peer wellness and productivity app. Users begin setting up small goals to invest in segments of their lifestyle such as health, wealth, or relationships. You can connect with other like-minded young adults or join tribes to gain support for achieving the goal. Users are prompted to remind each other of their goals through push notifications at a flexible and mutual schedule. An accountability score is used to ensure users are responsible and communicative of their partnerships and community. The in-app calendar provides organization and focuses on habitual goals and accountability buddy reminders. 


The mission is to empower people to find their community and unleash their full potential. With Trive, young adults can learn and maintain routines that help them prepare for their future goals. On a global scale with the internet, people can work on goals from different countries and build connections around a shared interest. A world where young adults have the mental support and community to achieve their life goals is a place where magic can happen. Imagine a world where everyone achieved their life dreams: what would that look like?








By day he is a Product Designer and by night you might see him skateboarding, doing calisthenics, or enjoying a naked burrito. Jaywhy’s design philosophy is about finding the right balance between best practices and challenging the status quo. If it’s one thing skateboarding has taught him, it is that the process of continuous failure and iterations is what makes landing the trick feel so exuberating. Re-framing failure into, “what can we learn from this?” Jaywhy is a diligent, humble and fast learner who thrives in ambiguity and seeks to uncover meaning in complexity. From research and strategy to wire frames and interfaces, Jaywhy is T-shaped designer with a focus on user experience.





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