Jasmine Khnanishoo



How might we utilize technology to improve mental health awareness and early help-seeking as a form of prevention while also bringing together doctors and the public?

ReachTok is an in-app tool that incorporates machine learning and AI processes within TikTok to aid in early detection to provide users with mental health education, resources, and self-awareness to ultimately feel empowered to seek the help that they need. At the same time, health professionals can provide accessible mental health information while bridging the gap between patients and physicians. ReachTok seeks to connect teens to the right information and resources where they spend most of their time. It is an online social media tool that provides mental health information, tools, and resources catered to the user to learn about the signs of mental illness and ways to support their mental health. ReachTok learns a little more about you through each of your TikTok interactions, providing you with relevant articles, Certified TikToks, and resources to discover.





Adolescents are at highest risk of developing a mental illness as 70% of mental health problems are onset by adolescence. However, we continue to fail our youth by ignoring problems until they reach crisis levels as less than 20% of Canadian youth will receive treatment. While we can work to provide mental health services and supports and to promote recovery for individuals in need, the overwhelming number of those struggling is a reminder of how often we wait too long to take action. Prevention and early detection interventions can improve one's road to support and recovery by taking action before problems worsen or preventing the onset of a mental illness.


ReachTok is an online learning platform built within TikTok. Through TikTok’s AI and machine learning, it processes users TikTok interactions to provide relevant mental health information and resources. Users are able to learn about the signs of mental illness and ways to manage it through recommended articles, Certified TikToks, and can discover available support options with partnered mental health services. Additionally, mental health professionals can further reach out and educate younger audiences on the platform with TikTok Certified, providing accessible information from the experts themselves.


Teens are disproportionately affected by mental illness so I want teens and the like to be aware of the warning signs of mental health challenges and what they can do about it so that they seek help early on. Not only will they learn about themselves but may also be more aware to support those around them too. Health professionals can provide accessible information to the public in a fun and engaging way to widen their outreach. Awareness and early intervention can dramatically reduce mental health challenges before they become deep-seated and this starts with our youth.




Jasmine is a meticulous thinker where every perspective is explored. She is eager to create meaningful experiences to help shape the way we live and connect through design. She is driven by the desire to understand the human experience through design research methods to uncover meaningful insights about what matters most to people. Through design, she hopes to create meaningful and human-centered experiences that improve the relationships we have with products and services, thus enhancing our everyday experiences. Her main interests lay within UX/UI design, service design and accessibility. While drinking copious amounts of coffee, she is likely seeking out the next "why" to answer.





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