Edward Chan

Linkedin Verified Life


How can we use NFT verification to help connect trustworthy professionals and businesses?

Trust is the glue of society: it encourages friends, and even strangers to work together, allowing them to become more productive and successful. It is human nature to trust, and we were born to do it. However, if it is human to err, then is our system of trust not also prone to error? 

 Since we trust so often in this new age of connectivity, we do not realize that we are only given an illusion of trust. This leaves us to trust anything and everything we see until proven mistaken. The issue is not that we do not trust each other, it is that we do not have a sufficient system of accountability, credibility, and transparency. The internet has unleashed a world of deception on trusting and naive people, and we have become desensitized to it. Without trust, what do we have? 

 Introducing Linkedin Verified Life. The new standard of trust.





NFTs have the incredibly useful property of being unique and one of a kind. These properties can be quite valuable to a platform such as Linkedin, due to its need for legitimization and verification. Additionally, the NFT market is growing immensely, as people are starting to see the merit in owning digital assets that virtually cannot be changed or destroyed. NFTs hold tremendous value and ultimately open up a door to so many new opportunities.


My project is NFT verification: Linkedin Verified Life allows users to verify everything they see, from news articles to people to businesses. In the most literal sense, Linkedin Verified is a middleman that allows for more efficient and trustworthy connections between users and businesses. My project offers businesses and schools the ability to issue unique NFT certificates, diplomas, and skill badges that the user will carry on from job to job similar to a resume.In addition, Linkedin Verified Life can be used to verify all aspects of their identity, making carrying physical identification a thing of the past.


Linkedin Verified Life means an end to having to wonder if the stranger you are connecting with is telling the truth about their credentials. For professionals, this means that they will be able to focus on pursuing their passions and connecting with other individuals or companies without having to fear being scammed or lied to. For businesses, Linkedin Verified Life will allow the hiring process to become much more efficient and effective, as they can search for candidates that have specific skills or certificates which they are looking for.






Edward Chan is a product and UX/UI designer that focuses on research and strategic foresight. He uses design as a problem solving tool, and as a way of bridging ideas to reality. Edward believes that design is the best way to connect people, businesses, and products.His goal is to assist clients in visualizing trends within their data, and applying design methodologies to create lasting value in companies. He believes that good design must stem from thorough understanding of the problem, and that it is crucial to put himself in the shoes of the client in order to make a true impact.



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