Davis Ladouceur


In collaboration with Dayna Konopelny


How might we treat every purchase as an investment?

Imagine if everything you purchased was an investment. Imagine if you knew everything you owned and avoided making repetitive impulse purchases. Imagine reselling your goods with the click of a button at the optimal price. 

 All of this is possible with Shop+, an extension of Shopify’s Shop App. Shop+ gives the consumer agency to buy products that align with their emotional wealth, manage their personal inventory of things, and sell whenever they want. 

 You’re pretty special, and so are your things. So let’s start taking care of them and start buying beyond the checkout. 





This project began as our two individual projects that merged together halfway through the year. Together our project covers research on values and the resale market. Both of us are business-minded and we wanted to create an opportunity to help the consumer. Our mutual love for creating real-world solutions drove us to create our final project.


The idea behind Shop+ is to encourage individuals to view every purchase as an investment. By creating a solution that gives individuals the tools they need to make informed purchases, individuals can begin to shop in a more circular way. Our project looks to forecast everything and inventory all goods to create a better home management system. Our project adds value by providing the consumer with agency to purchase based on values and for businesses to engage more with consumers.


This project changes the flow of goods in the world. It becomes easier to opt for pre-owned items and to resell these items. It uses Shop app’s existing data from customer purchases in an intentional and useful way. This system strives to bring the customer experience beyond the checkout, and changes the way in which business and customers engage. An overarching impact is the increased ease to participate in a more circular flow of goods easily and effortlessly.






Davis Ladouceur is a Toronto-based Product Designer with a passion for creating a meaningful, sustainable and accessible future for all. Davis always looks at the world around him to see how service and system design can improve it. He strongly believes in bridging the gaps between design and business development in order to produce viable and realistic design.




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