Daniel Rosero

LUNA: The Practice of Mindfulness Through AI Technology         



By facilitating meditation practices, how can mindfulness be integrated into one's daily life to help achieve balance and emotional clarity? 

The following project is an introduction to AI guided meditation as a means of facilitating meditation practices. Luna is an AI companion that guides users through  meditative experiences and helps them to document their emotional growth and journey. The product is aimed to help people develop effective coping methods. Luna provides people with the tools to navigate difficult situations when they may feel depressed, anxious, or stressed. This AI technology acts as an aid by implementing these meditation practices when people are faced with negative emotional reactions.




We, as humans are constantly facing different challenges throughout our lifetime and we all find different mechanisms to cope with our realities. Some people have developed good and healthy coping mechanisms, while others have a harder time developing these skills, and don't know how to control their emotions. This project aims to help people let go of unhealthy behavioural patterns, deepen the understanding of their thoughts and emotions, to achieve self-awareness, and deal with life's challenges. 


Luna is an AI companion that guides users through meditative experiences. With guided meditation and a visual display of the users breathing, Luna facilitates meditation. The users document their thoughts and emotions by journaling, encouraging them to keep track of their emotions while promoting self-expression. An AI tree acts as a visual representation of the user's mental state. The tree motivates the user to meditate on a daily basis in order to maintain its health, in turn helping them build a habit of meditation. As the tree continues to prosper and grow, so will the user's mental health.   


The outcome of this project is an improved human experience by improving the user's coping mechanisms, allowing them to prioritize their mental health and achieving more emotional balance. People would be able to use meditation and mindfulness on a daily basis to help navigate through life’s difficulties. The user would also be able to see a visual representation of their progress over time, helping them to achieve an optimal self.         








Daniel Rosero is a UX/UI and Experience designer based in Toronto, Canada. He is constantly exploring new ways of thinking and designing to amplify the human experience. The inspiration and motivation behind his work are to help people by solving problems he sees within the human experience today and the problems he sometimes encounters himself. In his spare time, he enjoys working on photography, video editing, while also collaborating on projects with other creative and like-minded people.         





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