Chacha (Mark) Mwtia



We are often only mindful of our wandering mind during states of rest and recharge (Meditation, Breathwork). What if mindfulness was as seamless as mindlessness?

Mindfulness remains a basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we are doing while not being overly reactive or overwhelmed.IImagine if your happy place was more than just a thought. Imagine if you could wonder without getting lost. Where would your thoughts take you? NOVOLLA aims to enhance and expand mindfulness within today’s and tomorrow's digital landscape in order to enable people to meet and interact with their authentic selves. By empowering the flow of thought, our goal is to provide a space to experience, confront and let go of the seeds that are planted in a self-obsessed mind. Ultimately bringing awareness to the changing self narrative we have in real time. To view a prototype of the simulation, visit





Mindfulness takes form in different ways and acts as a driving force of tools which bring awareness and acceptance of the thoughts faced in our daily interactions. Tools such as Religion, Spirituality, Meditation, and so forth, are all examples of shells of mindfulness that benefit from being able to focus on the still self.  


Mindfulness is a quality that every human already possesses, it is not something you need to conjure up, you just need to learn how to access it. Historically, short intentional pauses are inserted into someone’s flow of life, and exploring signals such as the quantified self and wearable technologies provides the basis of how we can transform an unintentional pause (mindlessness) into a mindful interaction that brings insight on the self in motion.  


The ability to truly be mindful beings: regardless of state of mind, we become conscious of the unknowns we know and become curious to discover the unknowns that are truly unknown. Mapping within, in order to understand the world, becomes the new sequence of being. Ultimately we start using mindfulness as a tool to break down the self-obsessed mind, rather than its traditional function of quieting it.   






Chacha is a product designer & researcher based in Toronto, Canada. He is cognitive, creative, and intrigued by philosophy, wellness and emerging technologies. Inspired by human behaviour, he finds meaning in creating impactful digital experiences that explore how experiential design can be used as a tool to influence growth and transformation. From a young age we are filled with discovery and curiosity. We search for our authentic self by embracing the wandering mind. We dream large and loud, not only in our beds, but through our actions. We scribble, draw and follow nothing but intuition as it is the clearest voice among the masses. Always eager for the next adventure as it is not work, but play. Children are truly mindful beings who only have the intent of listening within, embracing the wandering mind rather than attempting to quiet it. 


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