Adam Joaquin

Google Neighbours



How can we optimize people's living spaces by leveraging current and emerging technology?

Google Neighbours is a project that challenges the living spaces we as a society live in today and showcases the neighbourhood's value we can use tomorrow. By positioning the brand as if Google is releasing the project, it leverages the Google ecosystem to create a new digital engagement platform. Users will be able to engage through the app that has other Google platforms integrated within it, such as maps, translate and assistant. The platform connects the neighbourhood on a personal basis creating a better sense of belonging.  




Humans, by nature, are social beings. We depend on one another to have meaning in this world. As naturally social as humans may be, we are currently living in an unnatural environment. We go about our individual lives without realizing the value that is living around us.  


I am designing a digital engagement platform called Google Neighbours. This platform localizes critical attributes and values of life such as; work, play, health etc. In doing so, our living spaces become a more natural way of living and belonging.


Google Neighbours addresses many impacts that the full report outlines, but a particularly significant one is the reduction in travel. As we are currently experiencing the COVID-19 pandemic, we can see how rapidly a disease can spread. By localizing critical attributes of life into our living spaces, we reduce unnecessary travel and thus lower the chances of spreading future diseases.








Adam Joaquin is an Industrial Designer focusing on Design Strategy, based in Toronto, Canada. He is a creative thinker and adapts to his team's needs to maximize progression and success. Inside and out of team dynamics, Adam is always interested in how he can help other people's lives.





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